
Grow Through Small Group Collaboratives

The Empowered You

Do you struggle with ‘work/life’ balance? Perhaps living your own version of ‘Groundhog Day’?

I often compare the struggles of entrepreneurship like a ball in a pinball machine: constantly in reaction mode. Imagine if it didn’t have to be that way. What if, you felt an overwhelming sense of calm, peace, dare I say control over your day-to-day activities? What would that feel like for you?

Let’s create a crystal clear vision for your life along with a road map to realize that vision. All while implementing simple practices, healthier habits and gaining deeper insights into who and how you are, so you can experience the life you desire!


This 12 week program will provide a foundation for you to create the lifestyle you desire, while also accelerating results. Previous participants have shared that they realized their 12 month goals during our 90 day program!
This is designed for the entreprenuer, one who is tired of feeling overwhelmed, perhaps juggling too many projects and can’t quite seem to make the progress they’ve been seeking. Want to know what’s keeping you stuck? Are you ready to accelerate your revenue – and expand your profit margin, while working with more of your ideal client? This program is for you!


This is what you can expect:

– 12 Group Calls held via Zoom once a week for 75 minutes and facilitated by Stacy.

– 2 Private Zoom Calls with Stacy. One at the beginning of the program and one at completion of the program.

– You will take an assessment which will identify what your behavioral tendencies are, and we will use this to gain a better understanding of who each participant is in the group, as well as learn how best to communicate with different behavioral types.

– There will be an intake form for you to complete prior to the launch of the program.

– You will recieve a workbook, that includes a 90 day journal, weekly action items, and resources that we will use during our engagement.

– There will be daily and weekly accountability.

– Program limited to 12 participants.

** Next Session begins January of 2025. All registrants need to be confirmed by Oct 15, 2024 as there is prework to be completed prior to launch of program in January.

This program is only offered once a year.


** Note: I deliver these programs in the manner that I do in order to create mazimum value for my participants. It takes time to establish new, supportive habits. To execute on what you are learning and wanting to implement into your practice. I could do this in a one day workshop, yet I promise you, if I did, you would only actually implement about 10% of what you learn. Taking time to deliver this information, and then giving you action items to implement from session to session, provides the best opportunity for you to make these adjustments, to actually follow through on what you learn!


The benefits you will experience are many! While some are hard to quantify, as each individual is different, I can say, that for those that commit to the work, and are fully present for each aspect of these 12 weeks, you can expect to experience:

– Gain clarity and direction for 8 different areas of your life: Famiy, Health, Personal Development, Relationships, Vocation, Financial, Spiritual, and Social.

– Instill new, healthy, supportive habits/practices while eliminating those that are no longer serving you to your higher good.

– Identify what the one thing is that you should focus your energy on for one hour each day that will bring you optimal results. (This alone will accelerate your growth more than anything else!)

– Improved relationship dynamics.

– More confidence with a greater sense of ‘control’ and well-being.

– Deeper knowledge of self – understanding more of who you are and why you do what you do – and making shifts that will positively impact every area of your life.

– Greater revenue! You will learn how to maximize your profit margin and generate more in less time!



$4997 – Register by August 15, 2024 for just $2497!

(Payment plans are available.)

The Empowered Leader

There are many qualities that define being a well rounded leader. In my experience, there are three that stand out: Is this leader a person of integrity? Do they have a well developed emotional intelligence? Are they creating more leaders?

Most will agree that they have integrity, yet how about your emotional intelligence? What does that even mean? And how about duplication? Are you able to develop others into effective leaders?

Let’s work together to dive deeper into what it means to be an Empowered Leader, and how you can make an even bigger impact with those you lead.


As a someone who has developed dozens of leaders over the past 30 years, and working with countless others – both in partnership as well as coaching other leaders, I have found one thing to be true with every (what we deem as) successful leader: They had a well developed emotional intelligence and knew how to connect with people.

In this 12 week program, we will dive deep into human behavior, understanding what different behavioral tendencies are, what drives behavior, and how we can manage our own emotions more effectively. We will also explore what it looks like to develop leaders, how to mentor them and hold them capable in a way that is empowering to them and moves them to action. You will learn how to address conflict, learn communication techniques, and become more equipped in knowing who best to invest your energy and resources into and how to manage those that are perhaps, ‘more challenging’. (We’ve all encountered them!)

One thing to note: based on who is part of the group, and their goals, I will customize some of the content based on the overall needs of the group. For ex: Need help with 30/60/90 day reviews? We will address that. Feeling stuck developing leaders in your volunteer/network marketing business? We will address that. Looking to create a better overall culture that inspires creativity and productivity? Yep, we can address that as well.

Whether you are developing your own sales managers, team leaders, coaches or perhaps you simple want to be a better leader for your family, your community or yourself, this program will enable you to be a more Empowered Leader.


This program consists of:

– 12 bi-weekly (every two weeks) group calls lasting 90 minutes each via zoom.

– 3, 60-minute private coaching sessions with Stacy. Before, midway through, and after completion of the program.

– An assessment that provides insight into three key dimensions of performance: behaviors, motivation, and emotional intelligence.

– Resources: including worksheets/pdfs/templates that you can use with team members; reference materials; and more.

– Daily and weekly accountability.


** This program is conducted by Stacy twice a year. Our next session begins March of 2025 with a maximum of 12 participants.

** The Empowered Leader can also be adapted and incorporated into a leadership team inside an organization.


** Note: I deliver these programs in the manner that I do in order to create mazimum value for my participants. It takes time to establish new, supportive habits. To execute on what you are learning and wanting to implement. I could do this in a one day workshop, yet I promise you, if I did, you would only actually implement about 10% of what you learn. Taking time to deliver this information, and then giving you action items to implement from session to session, provides the best opportunity for you to make these adjustments, to actually follow through on what you learn!


The benefits you will experience are many! In this particular program, especially since we are dealing with the subject of emotions on such an intimate level, it is difficult to quantify just how much positive impact each participant will experience. That being said, I can say, that for those that commit to the work, and are fully present for each aspect of the 15 sessions, you can expect to experience:

– Much deeper connections with those you interact with.

– Those you lead, will be more energized by you and your direction.

– You will know how to handle difficult conversations effectively.

– Your ability to influence others will grow exponentially.

– Increased resilience.

– A strong sense of control over your emotional reactions, while also experiencing more internal calm due to your own relationship with your emotions.

– Concrete action steps you can apply immediately and continually that will continue to develop your leadership acumen.

– When you continue to practice what you learn in this program, you will be seen as a leader that others admire, value and respect.




(Payment plans are available.)

The Empowered Coach

Are you struggling to generate consistent 5 and 6 figure engagements? Are you new to the coaching/consulting profession?  Have you worked in this space for years, yet feel like you still don’t have a well defined system for working with your ideal client? Do you spend more time working in your business instead of on your business?

Join me for this deep dive into gaining clarity on what is missing in your practice, refine your pricing structure while building confidence in what your charging your clients, how to create and communicate long-term value and so much more in order to enable you to have a thriving business!


Just because you have built a successful professional career, doesn’t mean that translates to being a success entrepreneur. You started on this new path as you wanted to deliver your area of expertise, your passion, to those clients you know would truly want what you have. You thought it would be wonderful to have these amazing clients to work with and that it would be super easy to get those engagements going.

Yet, it wasn’t long before you realized there was much more to being on your own than you initially realized. Instead of just wearing the hat of being ‘coach/consultant’, you are also the CEO, CFO, CMO, Sales Person, Accountant. – and the Admin! It can be overwhelming, and pretty soon you are spending most of your time on things that are not bringing in revenue.

What if you:

…knew what the best marketing strategies were.

…were able to have an effective Discovery Conversation.

…felt confident in creating an effective proposal.

…had a clear path to generating more revenue.

…felt like you had a real strategy with systems that allowed you to have a clear path to create a lifestyle business.

Let me help you. Let’s get crystal clear on what you need in order to experience more opportunities to do what it is you want to do: working with your ideal clients in a matter that is engaging, transformative and rewarding – for both of you. Let’s get you to be an Empowered Coach.


In this program you will:

Create a clear path for client acquisition.

This will involve creating an “Ideal Client Persona”; know which marketing tactics are best suited for your business model; and a variety of marketing avenues so you feel confident getting in front of your ideal client – and often!

In addition, you will learn:

How to write a proposal and, perhaps more importantly, how to co-create a solution with your ideal client.

How to conduct a Kick-Off Meeting (this is a vital step!)

How to charge appropriately – and what you’re worth! Understanding the value you are bringing to the client, and how to structure pricing in your proposal.

What requires your attention and what is best to delegate.

– Learning how to take your solo practice to the next level, if you choose.

– Discover how to create leveraged revenue.

– How to provide more solutions for the clients you work with – even if it’s outside of your scope of expertise.

– We will have 10, 75 minutes sessions and will meet every other week via Zoom. Our initial session will be the first week of September 2024.  I will provide dates for our sessions upon registration along with the program details and prework.

– You will have 2, 60 minute private coaching sessions with Stacy: one before the launch of the program and one upon completion.

– There will be an intake form for you to complete prior to our first call.

– Resources including (but not limited to): proposal templates, kick-off meeting outline, and samples of deliverables you can use for your clients.

Limited to 10 participants. Registration ends August 1, 2024 for this next session. Must have a minimum of 6 for session to hold. If the minimum is not reached for this class, you will have the option of being enrolled in the next session, crediting your investment to private coaching with Stacy, or having a full refund. (If you choose to cancel after registration, please refer to the terms outlined in the registration form.)


** Note: I deliver these programs in the manner that I do in order to create mazimum value for my participants. It takes time to establish new, supportive habits. To execute on what you are learning and wanting to implement into your practice. I could do this in a one day workshop, yet I promise you, if I did, you would only actually implement about 10% of what you learn – if that! Taking time to deliver this information, and then giving you action items to implement from session to session, provides the best opportunity for you to make these adjustments, to actually follow through and apply what you learn.



When you commit to the program, and apply the practices that you are introduced to in this program, you will have:

– A well-defined Marketing Strategy

– A roadmap for the next 3-5 years of your business, with specific action steps for the next 90-180 days.

– Confidence in what you are charging.

– Proposal templates along with key questions to ask when co-creating a solution with your ideal client.

– The details on how to conduct a successful Kick-Off Meeting.

– Specifics on how to conduct a successful Executive Debrief.

– Knowing what deliverables you want to have for your client. How can you make the engagement easier for them?

– How to create an ‘All-Star Team’ and who should be in it. (We may be in business for ourselves, yet we should never do it by ourselves!)

– The roadmap to create your 6-Figure+, Lifestyle Business!



The Value of this program is immense – over $10,000! Yet in a setting like this, I am able to offer it for $4997 !
Register by July 1, 2024 and pay just $3997!

(Payment plans are available)

Looking For A Dynamic Speaker?

Are you in search of a keynote speaker for your upcoming event, be it a conference, leadership retreat, or a dynamic breakout session? Stacy Axon is the sought-after choice for those looking to inspire and engage their audience at a profound level. With a passion for connecting with her listeners, Stacy brings energy and insight to her speaking engagements that spur action and drive results.

Stacy’s diverse expertise allows her to cover a range of topics, making her an excellent fit for various occasions. Some of her most requested titles include:


“ReThink Personality”

“Managing The Clock: How Do We Do It All?”

 “Emotions: Let Them Get The Best of You!”


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